The ultimate travel guide to China

Dive into the rich culture and breathtaking landscapes of China with our travel guide. From the impressive Great Wall to the atmospheric streets of Beijing, discover the versatility of this fascinating country. Explore ancient traditions, modern metropolises, and taste the flavors of Chinese cuisine. Be inspired by the unique charm of the Far East and discover the hidden treasures that China has to offer.


What you can expect from China

Capital: Beijing

Language: The official language in China is Mandarin. This is also the most spoken language, alongside about 300 dialects. In the south of the country, Cantonese is the most spoken.

Payment methods: In most major cities, debit cards are accepted at shops, hotels, and restaurants. However, the situation is different outside of these areas, and the use of a debit card will be limited. ATMs are also scarce, so make sure you have enough cash with you.

Power outlets: In China, type A, C, and I outlets are used. The standard voltage is 220 volts.

Time zone: The time difference between the Netherlands and China is seven hours in winter time and six hours in summer time. China does not have separate summer and winter time.

Internet: Keep in mind that Google is blocked in China, which means that Gmail and Google Maps are not available. Facebook and Instagram are also blocked.

Visa:Before you can enter China you need a visa which has been preapproved in advance by the Chinese embassy. This tourist visa is valid for 30 days. To apply for a visa, you need proof of the outbound and return flights and of booked hotels.

Currency: Chinese Renminbi or Yuan. The official abbreviation is CNY. Hong Kong and Macau have their own currencies, the Hong Kong Dollar and the Pataca, respectively.

Beijing - Chinese Muur

Best time to visit China

China is a large country with a very diverse climate influenced by both Siberia and the tropics. In general, it can be said that it is wet in the summer and dry in the winter. Because the monsoon moves from the Southeast to the Northwest, during the period from March to September. In addition, tropical cyclones occur in Southeast China between May and September.

Additionally, China is truly a land of contrasts; it has areas that are constantly covered in a blanket of snow, such as in Tibet, and areas with deserts and steppes. The temperatures in this country can also differ extremely. In summer it can rise to 40 degrees Celsius above zero, while in winter in the North it can drop to a cold minus thirty degrees Celsius.